Impact Story – Meet Steph Sussman

I was 14 years old when I encountered the JQ booth in 2017 at Models of Pride, the world’s largest queer youth conference. It was one of my first LGBTQ+ events ever and seeing a Jewish organization represented in a queer space was super important because I hadn’t...
They say gratitude is an attitude.

They say gratitude is an attitude.

Rav Oprah says one of the keys to her success is writing down what she is thankful for at the end of each day. In the talmud, a different Rav suggests that of all the things for which one could be grateful, the simple ability to be grateful is the most...
New Year, New JQ!

New Year, New JQ!

Dear Friends, At JQ’s annual Rosh Hashanah Shabbat, I had an opportunity to reflect with the JQ family on who we are as a community and the transformative work we do together every day. What I heard over and over again from our community is that JQ is a force. JQ has...