Grounded in the Jewish prophetic value of Pikuach Nefesh, JQ offers free virtual monthly and drop-in support groups for LGBTQ+ Jews and allies.


JQ Virtual Support Groups
January – June 2025

Grounded in the Jewish prophetic value of Pikuach Nefesh, JQ offers free virtual monthly drop-in support groups for LGBTQ+ Jews and allies. Led by skilled and passionate facilitators, these groups are psycho-educational and provide guidance, education, and support on various issues. Participation in these support groups is not based on a mental health diagnosis. Health insurance will not be billed, and registration is based on a suggested donation of $125 per participant for the series. Donations go directly to the support group facilitators’ payment. If you cannot afford $125, please pay what you can. No one will be turned away for lack of fundsRSVP is required to attend. 

Please note, JQ support groups are not a form of psychotherapy nor a replacement for it. If you need referrals to clinical services at any time, contact the JQ Helpline. 

Please direct questions to JQ’s Director of Support and Wellness, Laura Ticho, Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker ASW 106550.

LGBTQ+ Coming Out

Select Wednesdays

6:00 – 7:00 pm on Zoom
January 8, February 19, March 19, April 9, May 14, June 11

A monthly, drop-in group for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community who is at any point in their coming out process. It provides opportunities for discussion about the what, when, how, and who of coming out. This group aims to be an embracing space for identity exploration, expression of emotions, support, and bonding. 

Facilitated by: Laura Ticho, Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker ASW 106550 (she/her)

Supervised by Rachael Parsons Svendsen, M.S., LMFT
License No. 109514

Exploring Healthy Relationships Across the Gender Spectrum

Select Tuesdays

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm PT on Zoom
January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 10

This group is open to LGBTQ+ adults seeking support around relationships of any kind, whether that be familial, friendships, romantic, work relationships, and/or building community as a whole. It is a welcoming space where individuals can nurture a sense of community, receive mutual support, and learn more about themselves in the context of their interpersonal relationships. This group aims to foster a sense of self-empowerment, health, and healing with oneself and others.  

Facilitated by:

Lillian Farzan-Kashani, LMFT (she/her)
License No. LMFT 121953 

Grief & Loss

Select Mondays

7:00 – 8:00 pm PT on Zoom
January 13, February 10, March 10, April 7, May 12, June 9

This support group is a safe, confidential, and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ individuals to navigate the complex and multifaceted experiences of grief. We acknowledge the grief that can arise from disenfranchised relationships, lack of connection to queer spaces, and the collective grief from global conflicts. Our support is guided by a culturally humble approach, recognizing the intersectionality of identities and the compounded grief experiences related to race, ethnicity, disability, and other factors. Led by a licensed mental health practitioner, this group provides a judgment-free environment where individuals can share their experiences, find validation, and connect with others who understand their unique journey.

Facilitated by: Emily Abraham, LCSW
License No. LCSW 110789 

Nourish and Nurture Support Group

Second Tuesdays
12pm – 12:50pm PT on Zoom
January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10

JQ’s Nourish & Nurture Group is a space for caregivers of gender diverse youth to virtually connect over lunch, learn about mental health topics and skills, ask questions, and process thoughts and emotions. Each session will introduce a concept or skill through an LGBTQ+ lens followed by interactive discussion and/or practice. Each Nourish & Nurture Group session is drop-in, virtual, and free. RSVP is required to attend.

Facilitated by: Emily Abraham, LCSW
License No. LCSW 110789 

Transgender & Gender Diverse Adults

Every other Tuesday

7:00 – 8:00 pm PT on Zoom
January 7 & 21, February 4 & 18, March 4 & 18, Apr 1 & 22, May 6 & 20, Jun 10 & 24

Now Offered Every 2 Weeks! This drop-in virtual support group is designed for Jewish adults (18+) who self-identify as transgender, nonbinary, or gender questioning. The group provides support to discuss changes in perceived identities, shifts in feeling a part of an LGBTQ or straight community, changes in sexual intimacy and comfort around bodies changing, conversations about medical and non-medical transition, sadness or fear, and a gathering of resources for continued support. Led by a mental health practitioner, each one-hour session will delve into a new topic, fostering a sense of connection and community.

Facilitated by:

Michael Levine, AMFT (she/they)
Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist
AMFT 124078

Supervised by Thomas J. Pier, LCSW, OSW-C, CMF (he/him)
License No. LCS-21605

Supporting Transgender & Gender Diverse Family Members

Select Mondays

6:00 – 7:00 pm PT on Zoom
January 6, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2

This group provides support and information for family members from a behavioral health provider. Family members include parents, caregivers, grandparents, siblings, family of choice, and more. It gives a space to ask questions or voice any concerns they have. No matter your level of transliteracy, you can get support and information and process thoughts and emotions that might not feel comfortable or appropriate to talk about with the transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people in your life.

Facilitated by: Jordan Held, LCSW (he/him)
License No. 99905

Iranian LGBTQ+ Adults

Select Wednesdays

6:00 – 7:00 pm PT on Zoom
January 8, February 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4
The January group will not be held due to low registration. All other dates are still open for registration! 

This group is open to Jewish Iranian LGBTQ+ and questioning people ages 18+. The group provides confidential support to discuss culturally sensitive coming out issues, an opportunity to meet other LGBTQ+ Iranian individuals, and a gathering of resources for continued support.

Facilitated by:
Mastaneh Moghadam, M.S.W., LCSW (she/her)
License No. LCSW 23095

Queer Women and Femmes


6:00 – 7:00 pm PT on Zoom
March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8

This six-week virtual support group is designed for Jewish adults (18+) who identify as lesbian, bisexual, or queer nonbinary femmes and/or women. The group provides a safe, inclusive, and intentional space to explore various themes such as relationships, taking up space, and building community and safety. Led by a facilitator who has her own unique experience of being a queer Jewish woman, each one-hour session will delve into a new topic, fostering a sense of connection and community. This group is free and virtual, making it accessible to participants from various locations. Upon registration, we kindly request that you commit to attending all six sessions to fully benefit from the supportive environment and connections made within the group.

Facilitated by: Laura Ticho, Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker ASW 106550 (she/her)

Supervised by Rachael Parsons Svendsen, M.S., LMFT
License No. 109514

55+ and Queer

January 13, February 6, March 6, April 24, May 22, June 5

7:30 pm – 8:30 pm PT on Zoom

JQ International is introducing the “55+ and Queer” support group, a tailored initiative for LGBTQ+ older Jewish adults aged 55 and over. This group provides a safe, inclusive, and affirming space for members to connect, share experiences, and support one another, focusing on community building and reducing social isolation. Led by a licensed mental health practitioner, the group will include facilitated discussions and space to connect with each other over shared experiences.

Facilitated by:
Robert Leeburg, LCSW 104258


Mastaneh Moghadam, LCSW

Support Group Facilitator
LCSW 23095

Mastaneh's Bio

Mastaneh Moghadam, LCSW., is the co-founder and executive director of the non-profit organization, Cross-Cultural Expressions, in Encino, CA. Mastaneh has worked with the Iranian LGBTQ community for over 15 years, providing therapy to Iranian Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals and their families. In January of 2015 Mastaneh started “We Do Care: Iranian American Parents of LGBTQ” support, advocacy and leadership groups. In July of 2017 Mastaneh collaborated with Raha International in establishing the Iranian- American LGBTQ support and leadership groups. In 2016, Mastaneh was hon- ored with the JQ International Inspiration Award for bringing the Persian LGBTQ community into the forefront, while giving a voice and support to Per- sian parents of LGBTQ children. In 2018, CCE was awarded a contract from Los Angeles Department of Mental Health to conduct a year long campaign focus- ing on reducing stigma’s and providing education on LGBTQ issues within the Iranian community of Los Angeles.

Michael Levine, AMFT

Support Group Facilitator
Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist AMFT

Supervised by Thomas J. Pier, LCSW, OSW-C, CMF (he/him) LCS-21605

Michael's Bio

Michael (they/them) received their MA in clinical psychology at Antioch University. They are from Oakland, California, and graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 2007 with concentrations in child psychology and theater. Michael is passionate about Jewish education and speaking out about gender issues, and leads youth groups through a program called Moving Traditions, as well as support and community groups through JQ International. They are also a published author of three books, including one titled, All The Feelings.

Laura Ticho, ACSW

Support Group Facilitator
Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker ASW 106550

Supervised by Emily Abraham, LCSW California License No. 110789, Colorado License No. 09929247

Laura's Bio

Laura (she/her) is a proud member of the Queer and Jewish communities in Los Angeles. She is deeply passionate about driving positive change within organizations to foster more inclusive spaces and practices for the LGBTQ+ population. Laura’s background includes  3 years teaching elementary special education and 5 years working as a social worker in hospitals, non-profits, and treatment centers. This background has shaped her dedication to providing trauma-informed, person-centered mental health services that focuses on the strengths of individuals and their support networks. Additionally, she is always working to simplify the navigation of resources and eliminate barriers to access through education and transparency. She has a BS in Family and Human Services from University of Oregon and an MSW from Smith College School for Social Work. In her free time, Laura loves to spend time on the floor, whether that is grounding herself through meditation and yoga or cuddling with her 80lb. lab mix, Cysco. She also enjoys any time spent in the mountains, specifically climbing, hiking, or lying in a hammock. On the weekends in Los Angeles, Laura can be found looking for live music or trying a new restaurant in town with her spouse, Justina. 

Lillian Farzan-Kashani, LMFT

Support Group Facilitator
LMFT 121953

Lillian's Bio

Lillian Farzan is a first-generation American and the daughter of Iranian Jewish immigrants born and raised in Southern California. She grew up with an acute awareness of oppression and inequity from a young age. This awareness developed into a commitment towards advocating for individuals impacted by systemic injustice as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Lillian works with people of color, the queer community, and first generation individuals in her private practice in addition to offering workshops on diversity and inclusion. Lillian is a social-justice oriented therapist who serves her community by providing sacred spaces in which clients can come as they are, with their various intersections acknowledged and celebrated.


Jordan Held, LCSW

Support Group Facilitator
LCSW 99905

Jordan's Bio

Jordan Held, LCSW (he/him) is a Private Practice Family Therapist and LGBTQ+ Specialist. Jordan specializes in working with adolescents displaying complex mental health presentations, including suicidality, persistent mood disorders, and acute and chronic PTSD. Jordan is an adjunct clinician at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Jordan sits on multiple Board of Directors, serving the LGBTQ+ community nationally. Jordan has worked extensively in secondary school education, developing health and wellness curricula, focusing on DEI and cultivating strength and resiliency for adolescents.

Emily Abraham, LCSW

Support Group Facilitator
LCSW 110789

Emily's Bio

Emily Abraham, LCSW (she/her) is an individual and couples therapist in Los Angeles, CA. In addition to her clinical work, Emily provides LGBTQ+ inclusivity workshops for diverse audiences, including clinical staff, parents, caregivers, and teachers. Emily seamlessly integrates various modalities into her therapeutic approach, providing a transformative space for self-expression and growth. Her warm and empathetic style, coupled with a dedication to the LGBTQ+ Jewish community, reflects her vision for a more welcoming and connected world in which mental wellbeing is a shared priority.  


Robert Leeburg, LCSW

Support Group

LCSW 104258

Robert's Bio

Currently, Robert specializes in working with members of L.A.’s large and diverse LGBTQ community. Robert and his clients address issues that arise in their personal lives and explore the challenges they face in the struggle for greater acceptance and understanding from society, neighbors, colleagues, and family. Together, they work to empower, communicate, and connect. His other specific areas of expertise include grief and loss, working with survivors of human trafficking, DCFS cases, issues of intimacy and sexuality, and couples counseling.

JQ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate and strengthen queer Jewish life through community building, educational programs, and support services creating a joyful and healthy future for LGBTQ+ Jews and their loved ones.

© 2018 JQ International. All Rights Reserved.